We offer all-inclusive Research and Analysis services that will deliver critical information like:

✓ Your prospective customers’ needs and motivations.
✓ Requisite Data for you to make intelligent decisions relative to product development, product launch and marketing.
✓ A clear knowledge of your current market position and ideas to maintain or gain market share and achieve success accordingly.
✓ Well Informed decision-making that will lead to an effective or improved organizational performance.
✓ Step up on customer relationship and loyalty.

Qualitative Research

Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews

Our Quantitative Research will provide you with sufficient data and details to make the right and wise marketing and management decisions. Our intellectual resources will not only gather the data for you but will also analyze it in a detailed way and interpret it. Through this, your approach will be more focused, and your business will be set in the right direction.

Through our OOR services, you will be able to determine product perception and buying preferences of the prospective and already existing customers, and also get responses on your campaigns and product development ideas. Offshore outsourcing research will help you enter into the market and arrive at decisions with an insider’s perspective.

Quantitative Research

Our Quantitative Research will provide you with sufficient data and details to make the right and wise marketing and management decisions. Our intellectual resources will not only gather the data for you but will also analyze it in a detailed way and interpret it. Through this, your approach will be more focused, and your business will be set in the right direction.

Competitor Intelligence

Benchmarking is a tool which assists the business to learn from others. Hence, everyone needs it to improve the pre-existing interior systems. If you are in business arena and have competitors, you have a definite need of Competitive Intelligence. In the current global scenario and day to day, increasing competition has made businesses vulnerable to failure, and the best way to stay competitive and succeed is to be one-up on the competition!

Offshore outsourcing research will not only help you determine your goals but also will help you to design an effective survey tool, poll the target audience and analyze those results for further action. Get in touch with us for a super-quick quote now.

Offshore outsourcing research will not only help you determine your goals but also will help you to design an effective survey tool, poll the target audience and analyze those results for further action. Get in touch with us for a super-quick quote now.

✓ Measuring product awareness-its advantages and usage.
✓ Checking of customer satisfaction.
✓ Product launch and positioning.
✓ Product development.

Research & Analytics

✓ Logistics.
✓ Insurance.
✓ Healthcare.
✓ Engineering.
✓ Mortgage.

1. Secondary Research

Secondary research is a great way to gain a point of view and deeper insight into trends of the market, aspects of product penetration, competitors’ details and market share. We can also perform the review and analysis of already published research, industry data, competitors’ marketing tools and tactics. Our unblemished knowledge and vast experience in the market helps us produce speedy, comprehensive and cost-effective research. For all your secondary research needs, contact us now.

2. Database Services

Mail less and increase your response and also additionally decrease your cost per response.Save on costs incurred on excessive printing and postage by removing duplicates from your files.We would also provide you with a list of suppression processing organizations and individuals to take out them who have either requested not to be on the additional mail list of those whom wewould categorize as poor prospects.Offshore outsourcing research is aimed at improvising your sales efficiency and ensure accuracy of your mailing, compare your in-house database to our database, correct errors (if any) such as names, addresses, and status of organization and updating of job titles. Get in touch with us now.

3. Analytics

The invaluable information which is imbibed in your customer database is all that you need to achieve targeted, high-performance sales and marketing plans. We would assist you in identifying the same and utilizing information to improvise your performance. We would also perform the analysis of your sales channels and territory positioning. Our well covered and in-depth professional analysis will help you to make the aptest tactical plans.

Our Offshore outsourcing research services will dive into key geographic and demographic characteristics of your customer base and find out which segments perform the best. Sales and marketing strategies can be customized accordingly to suit the high performing segments.

In order to find out the response rate of your mail campaigns, we compare your response files with your mail files so that you will become aware of why something is or isn’t successful. Future mailing lists can be suitably modified based on these findings, and the mails can be tailor-made according to important characteristics of respondents and likely respondents.

It is always important to understand your position in the market, avoid pitfalls, create strategic and smart marketing plans, and develop matchless sales campaigns. The right approach development will help you reach the high on your annual sales graph. Offshore outsourcing research has not known such great insight, tremendous foresight and incomparable delivery.