You have two main goals as a blogger:
Building authority and getting more traffic to your website
Tough haa.. “Not that simple as you tell”. Right?
What if I told you that you can do both through Quora marketing?
Let me tell you how; before that, what about knowing quora a little bit?
Quora is undeniably the biggest Question & Answer or Q&A site on the web right now.
As you know, a Q&A website is where people come and post their questions they have and have them answered by the community.
And how is this gonna help you; The website guys?
My question is how doesn’t it help you?!!
The way I see it , it’s the perfect platform for bloggers to get their target audience’s attention through Showcasing their expertise!
Still not with me? Then let’s look at how all quora marketing can help you.
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Why Should You Use Quora to Generate Traffic?
These are some of the main benefits of promoting your website through quora marketing:
- Increase in Website Referral Traffic for Free. referral traffic is from users who come to your website by clicking a link from another site.
- Can do specifically targeted content promotion. Because you can just target anyone you like.
- Traffic within a single day; If you know what you’re doing.
- Promote any type and medium of Content. Not just text, you may also include videos, images, social media handles, quotes, and customized links to your content.
- Helps in Building Your Brand Authority. being active on Quora positions yourself as the blogger who knows what you’re doing.
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How to use Quora marketing to get traffic.
Lets see how to master quora
to build traffic, step by step
Step 1: Pick the Right Interests
While creating your account, Quora will ask you to specify your fields of interest, which will be added to your feed. This will make it easy for you to find relevant questions that you may be interested in to answer later on, so be sure to choose everything aligned with your niche.
Make sure to select at least 10 topics of interest. The more the merrier!
Step 2: Start with a catchy Profile Bio
As the start, you need an awesome author bio to establish a solid presence on Quora.
A good method profile’s configuration involves basic steps, like adding your profile photo and filling in your name. What you need to pay attention to, however, are your credentials and description.
You can fill in your job experience, what you do, and maybe a couple of your hobbies. You can also list down the websites you’ve been featured in if you’ve been actively blogging.
Your profile should also contain links to relevant pages, such as your website or social media profiles.
Let your bio rock!!
quora profile description.
Do you know what you should build being a member of quora?
Trust. Well why should people trust you?
That’s why Your Quora profile should address doubts with a complete record of your credentials.
All these can be found and edited at the right-most section of your profile.
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Step 3: Create your brand topic
Now that you are officially a member of quora, start using it to create a brand topic specific to you.
After you create your brand’s topic on Quora, you should be able to find it in the search suggestions. Go ahead and click on it to view your topic page.
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Step 4: Content Research
Once your profile and brand topic are all set, it’s time to get to work.
Quora is a great source of content ideas that your target audience may love to read about. However, not all questions are made the same.
Some questions will be already filled with answers while others barely get any attention at all. What you want to answer are posts that have a ton of followers with only a few answers to match the demand.
That’s why finding the right questions is one of the new skills you should refine if you want to learn how to use Quora effectively.
You can find these metrics by going to one of the topic pages on your feed and going to the ‘Answer’ tab.
Step 5: develop the question into a full fledged article.
Your next step is to plan and craft top-notch content that answers to the questions asked.
Ideally, you may already have a couple of blog posts that align with the topic at hand. If not, write exactly what the Quora user is looking for.
Step 6: be the pro in quora answering
Great the next step is to insert the link to your content in your answer; Very naturally
Since you crafted the content specifically for the question, the link and content should blend in nicely. You just need to focus on the quality of your answer. That will help you get more upvotes, exposure, and traffic.
There are some ways to make that sure.
Use Visual Content
Just like any other content, Quora answers with visual content have a better chance of grabbing the attention of audience.These can be screenshots, infographics, YouTube videos, and so on.
Be specific, but wide
Remember that Quora marketing has become competitive due to its increasing popularity. If you are to answer a question, stick to the point, but try and cover as much ground as possible so that the users has no reason to look for other answers.
Proper Formatting
Format your content smartly. To improve the readability of your answer, break down sections into subheadings. You can also create bulleted or numbered list to specify some information
Use Natural Language
Quora answers do not need to be structured like big articles with thousands of words. Try to use simple language, be direct, and be conversational to connect with users on a more emotional level.
Use links carefully.
you may have the option to insert a link to a landing page, but do it only if it makes sense. You don’t want your answer to look funny and pointless by containing lots of promotional links.
The final step is to answer similar questions while providing the same link to your content. Just like before, pick the questions carefully and write your answers differently each time.
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As long as people ask questions Q&A websites like Quora will remain powerful tools for bloggers and online marketers alike.
Hopefully, this article puts some light on how to use quora marketing to promote your blogs and also can guide you on your way to becoming a Quora thought leader.
Remember. It’ll take time,
It’ll be hard
But it’ll be worth it.
All you need to do is to start with the right foundations and learn to turn your ideas into action. Happy answering!!
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