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Mobile App v/s Mobile Website; Which Is The Best Option For a Startup?

“Mobile apps and mobile websites may seem similar, but they are not. After carefully analyzing which one is most suitable for your business, you can decide between web and app development.”

By |2021-06-20T02:39:30+00:00June 19th, 2021|Mobile App, Web Design|0 Comments

Pros and Cons of Parallax Scrolling In Website Design

"Having a stylish parallax scrolling website is on the list of all businesses right now. While it is a great and trendy tool, it may not be for everybody."   Parallax scrolling designs are gaining popularity in the web design sector lately. It can bring great energy and functionality to your web pages. And it

By |2021-06-22T14:28:18+00:00June 6th, 2021|Web Design|0 Comments

How To Choose a Perfect Domain Name For Your Business

  "Choosing the best domain name for your website is very important in starting a business, as it is, and will be a lifelong decision. It is going to be your virtual identity" When you are starting a business, choosing the name is a crucial part. You have to consider a lot of things. The

By |2021-05-31T23:14:23+00:00May 22nd, 2021|Web Design|0 Comments

Top 6 Great UX Design Examples Across The Internet

"Fact. Online is the new normal. From entertainment to business, everything is now online. And if you want to survive in this digital world, what you surely need is a great UX design for your website."   The world is not the same anymore. It has witnessed so many more changes in the past ten

By |2021-05-31T23:08:21+00:00May 18th, 2021|Web Design|0 Comments

Why Should You Hire a Professional Website Designer?

“When you decide to go online; for your blog, or your business, or whatnot, the first and most important thing you will need is a website. Website design and development are a crucial part of your digital journey, and you can do it best with the help of a professional website designer.”

By |2021-05-31T22:44:18+00:00May 11th, 2021|Web Design|0 Comments

Learnability In Web Design; Some Best Practices

  While building a website, it’s not just the beautiful layout and great content that matters. It is also important to have a user interface that’s easy to understand and simple to learn.Thats where the term learnability enters.  Learnability in a website aims at designing a clear interface that users can quickly catch and pick

By |2021-05-29T01:12:39+00:00April 7th, 2021|Web Design|0 Comments

How To Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate; Some Tips And Tricks

What would it feel like to accept that, that favorite, beautiful cine artist that you love is actually not very good at acting? It must be your ‘oh-god-he/she-is-so-cute/hot’ crush, and you’re his/her die heart fan, but having to hear that he/she is not the best at what they do kind of sucks right… Well, something

By |2021-05-29T01:09:00+00:00April 5th, 2021|Web Design|1 Comment

Top 5 Plugins Essential For Your WordPress Website

In this digital era, having a digital identity is a must for survival of your business. It should represent your business.  That is exactly the purpose of a website. So creating a website for your business is nothing new now.  But creation is not an easy task. Having a website for a name is not

By |2021-05-29T00:53:47+00:00March 22nd, 2021|Creative, Design, Featured, Technology, Web Design, Wordpress|2 Comments

Quora Marketing; How To Use Quora To Increase Website Traffic? 

  You have two main goals as a blogger: Building authority and getting more traffic to your website  Tough haa.. "Not that simple as you tell". Right?  What if I told you that you can do both through Quora marketing? Let me tell you how; before that, what about knowing quora a little bit?  Quora

By |2021-06-01T01:09:47+00:00February 27th, 2021|Creative, Design, Featured, News, Technology, Trending, Web Design|0 Comments

Pinterest For Business Marketing; What It Can Do?

Do you still think that Facebook and twitter are the best platforms for social media marketing? If it is a yes, then I guess you need my help…. Proudly I present to you, your business’s new best friend….PINTEREST. Yes...Pinterest. I know what you guys are thinking. “Isn’t pinterest used to find creative ideas/exotic vacation spots/food

By |2021-06-15T11:25:48+00:00February 27th, 2021|Creative, Design, Featured, Technology, Trending, Web Design, Wordpress|0 Comments

Adaptive V/S Responsive Web Design; What’s The Best Choice?

Designing websites keeping in mind the multiple screen sizes and platforms it is gonna be is a key factor in delivering a successful website. As searches are made from different medium including mobile, tablets and system, you should make sure that your website looks perfect while viewed from all these. Keeping all this in mind,

By |2021-06-16T06:45:19+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Web Design|1 Comment

WordPress Or PHP; Which One To Choose For Your Website?

Digital is the new normal. Where anything and everything is digital and readily available in the fingertips, having an online identity for your brand is a necessity. When you decide to take advantage of the online platforms, one of the biggest confusion arises whether to choose wordpress or PHP for the website creation. Some prefer

By |2021-06-16T07:18:34+00:00December 4th, 2020|Web Design, Wordpress|0 Comments

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Infographics In Webdesign

  World is moving fast. So is the creation and spread of data. Billions of pieces of contents are created and distributed all over the web in just seconds. As the amount of data to be read and absorb is increasing day to day, the time for doing so is decreasing severely. So in this

By |2021-06-15T11:40:18+00:00November 16th, 2020|Web Design|27 Comments

What makes us the best web development company?

  Having a website is not enough. You need to make sure that it is designed attractively and is updated regularly, giving desired results. So you must be sure, and extremely careful in choosing the best web development company to create the perfect website. A website is the online identification of your brand. In the

By |2021-06-15T15:48:53+00:00October 27th, 2020|Web Design|17 Comments

UI and UX design explained

UI and UX are really close and have equal importance in a digital product. They support each other and are integral foe each other, but both of them are quite different regarding the purpose or role.   In the new era of digital world, presenting things perfectly has become an important objective. That’s why the

By |2021-06-15T15:09:17+00:00October 27th, 2020|Web Design|14 Comments

8 Best Practices To Create The Perfect Website Design

Do you know that it just takes  half- a- second for people to decide whether a website is good enough to spend their time? yes. you heard it right. The fate of your website is decided within the blink of an eye. And most of it is based on the website design.  Your website design

By |2021-06-15T11:10:29+00:00October 16th, 2020|Web Design|8 Comments


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